Ayurvedic Treatment Of Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis, more commonly known as PINK EYE πŸ‘️, can be discomforting and concerning. In the realm of Ayurveda, this condition is identified as "kaphaj abhishyanda," where inflammation occurs in the conjunctiva layer, leading to a pinkish or reddish hue in the eye. Let's delve into the Ayurvedic insights and discover effective ways to manage and prevent this condition.

Understanding the Ayurvedic View:

In this ailment, the predominant Dosha is Kapha, and the vitiated Ras and Rakta (tissues) contribute to the inflammation. The Netra srotas (channel) are affected by Kapha, manifesting in characteristics like snigdha (unctuousness), sheet (coldness), guru (heaviness), and pichila (stickiness). These imbalances cause the fluid system of the eye to become denser and heavier.

Causes of Conjunctivitis:

😐 Bacteria

😐 Virus

😐 Exposure to allergens

😐 Use of contact lenses without precautions

Recognizing the Symptoms:

πŸ€ Redness in the affected eyes

πŸ€ Itching and sensation of a foreign particle

πŸ€ Thick discharge from the eyes

πŸ€ Difficulty in opening the eyes, especially in the morning

πŸ€ Excessive tearing

Ayurvedic Do's and Don'ts:

🌸 Do not touch your eyes with unclean hands

🌸 Avoid daytime sleep

🌸 Opt for light, easily digestible meals

🌸 Do not suppress natural urges like cough, tears, or urine

🌸 Refrain from sharing towels or personal items

🌸 Practice healthy hygiene habits

πŸ‘‰Ayurvedic Care and Remedies:

Pranayama, the ancient art of breath control, helps relax eye muscles and release stress, promoting improved blood circulation to the eyes.

External Medicines for Application:

(Take as a wash or apply as a paste over the eyelids)

♟️ Triphala Kwath

♟️ Yashtimadhu Triphala Kwath

♟️ Manjistha Kwath

♟️ Cold compress

♟️ Turmeric

Remember to stay hydrated and drink enough water throughout the day to maintain overall well-being.

By embracing Ayurvedic wisdom and following these guidelines, we can effectively manage conjunctivitis and foster a lifestyle of ocular health and vitality. Let's cherish the gift of sight and nurture our eyes with care. πŸŒΏπŸ‘€✨

[Live your best life with Ayurvedic spirituality : Brijwasi Ayurveda - Nurturing Health Naturally]

Note: -

If you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment for yourself and your dearly loved ones, than DM(direct message) us on Instagram @brijwasiayurveda or leave a comment below we will contact you within 24 hours.



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