
Showing posts from May, 2024

स्वादिष्ट हर्बल टॉफी

  स्वादिष्ट हर्बल टॉफी बच्चे किशोर युवा वृद्ध पुरुष एवम स्त्री सभी के लिए उपयोगी हर्बल टॉफ़ी :-  *सामग्री/निर्माण विधि* छोटी सौंफ -    05 ग्राम  आमला चूर्ण -  05 ग्राम   सफ़ेदमिर्च -     05 ग्राम  दालचीनी -      10 ग्राम  मिश्री -            25 ग्राम  काला नमक -  15 ग्राम  पकी इमली का गूदा - 25 ग्राम                               सफ़ेद जीरा -    50 ग्राम  नींबू रस-आवश्यक्तानसार मिश्री-   कोटिंग हेतु  अलग से आवश्यकतानुसार लें।  सभी सामग्री अलग अलग खूब महीन कूट पीस लें और ठीक से घोटकर मिलाये। इसमें इतना नीबू का रस डालें की सारी सामग्री आपस में बंध जाए और गोली बनाने में आसानी हो, चने के बराबर की गोलियां बनाकर मिश्री चूर्ण ऊपर से बुरक कर कोटिंग करके छाया में सुखा कर हवाबंद स्टील या कांच के बर्तन में रख लें। *मात्रा-*   2 से 10 गोली दिन भर में चूसें। जिन बच्चों को ट...

What is Ayurvedic Hair Care? A Guide to Healthy Summer Hair

Ayurvedic Hair Care: A Manual for Having Healthful Hair in Summer For hair care, people invest a lot of time and energy. Having bright, lustrous hair can give you a million dollar appearance and feel! Ayurvedic hair care methods and products can help prevent unnecessary hair troubles like dandruff, premature greying, and hair loss while also promoting hair health. Summertime can provide additional challenges for hair and scalp. Ayurvedic Hair Care: What Is It? By emphasising a variety of dietary, lifestyle, and therapeutic practices that support healthy hair in addition to herbal treatments, Ayurvedic hair care takes a comprehensive approach to ensuring hair health. Ayurveda acknowledges the significance of healthy digestion and nutrient-rich diet for well-being. The quality of our tissues is determined by the Agni , or digestive fire. The body cannot get the nutrients it needs if Agni is weak. Healthy hair is ensured by strong digestion. The weather and a person's inherent consti...

5 Proven Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Modern Lifestyle

Ashwagandha, the wonder herb known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry, boasts a rich history in traditional medicine.  This adaptogenic powerhouse, with its botanical name  Withania somnifera , thrives in the hot and dry climate. Let's delve into the multifaceted benefits of ashwagandha and explore how it can empower your well-being. Conquering Stress and Boosting Energy: Life can be overwhelming, and stress can take a toll on our physical and mental health. Ashwagandha, as an Mind - Body adaptogen bundle , steps in to  bolster the body's resilience against stress and anxiety . In Ayurveda, it's known as a  rasayana , promoting tissue renewal and restoring vitality. It also helps  balance cortisol levels , the stress hormone, keeping you feeling calm and collected. Promoting Radiant Skin: Ashwagandha Benefits For Women  Ever heard the saying "stressed skin shows", I mean does stress causes wrinkles? Yes, It holds truth. Stress triggers the release of catec...