
Showing posts from June, 2023

Prameh (Diabetes) - Pathya-Apathya: A Guide to Diet and Lifestyle Education

 Prameh (Diabetes) - Pathya-Apathya: A Guide to Diet and Lifestyle Education Welcome to Brijwasi Ayurveda , your trusted source for holistic health and wellness. In this article, we will explore the pathya (recommended) and apathya (to be avoided) aspects of managing Prameh, commonly known as Diabetes. Do's - Ahara (Diet): To regulate blood sugar levels and promote overall well-being, we recommend incorporating the following food items into your diet: - Use of Purana Dhanya (grains harvested 1 year back) and Bharjit Dhanya (roasted grains). - Yava (Barley), Mudga (Green grams), Kulattha (Horse grams), Adhaki, Masura (Lentils), and Makushtha are highly recommended. - Include bitter leafy vegetables like fenugreek, Atasi (Flaxseed), and Sarshapa (mustard) in your meals. - Opt for roasted meat of dry habitat animals for non-vegetarian options. Cereals: - Yava (Barley) (Hordeum vulgare) - Godhuma (wheat) - Kodrava (grain variety – Paspolum scrobiculatum) - Uddalaka (according to Dhanva...

Cracks of heel Balm

 *वीपादिका ( cracks of heel ) का मलहम :-* सरसों का तैल - 50 मिली देशी मोम - 25 ग्राम  देशी कपूर  - 5 ग्राम सरसों के तैल को गर्म करें। जब तैल उबलने लगे तो उसमें धीरे-धीरे मोम मिला दें। जब मोम पूरी तरह से घुलकर मिल जाए, तो बर्तन को आँच से उतार लें एवं ठण्डा होने दें। थोड़ा गुनगुना रहने पर उसमें कपूर भी मिला दें। इस तरह तैयार मलहम को रात्रि में सोने से पूर्व बिवाइयों में लगाएं। पहले ही दिन से लाभ मिलने लगता है।

Vishalyaadi Kwath: Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine for Immunity and Digestive Health

Title: Unlocking the Power of Vishalyaadi Kwath: Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine for Immunity and Digestive Health Introduction: Welcome to Brijawasi Ayurveda, where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness. In this blog post, we delve into the secrets of Vishalyaadi Kwath—an Ayurvedic herbal medicine renowned for its healing properties. 1. Guduchi: Boost Immunity Naturally Enhance your body's natural defense system with Vishalyaadi Kwath's star ingredient, Guduchi. Boost immunity and promote overall health with this immune-modulating and detoxifying herb. 2. Haritaki: Revitalize Digestion and Detoxification Unlock the rejuvenating power of Haritaki in Vishalyaadi Kwath. Support digestion, detoxification, and respiratory health with this antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory herb. 3. Musta: Improve Digestive Health Experience the digestive wonders of Musta within Vishalyaadi Kwath. Improve gastrointestinal health and promote detoxification with this herb known for its digestive support....